
Sustainable Tourism Policy

ERGA S.R.L. has created and established a sustainable management system for tourism, which addresses environmental, social, cultural and financial issues, quality standards, related to
human rights, health and safety and about the risks. It focuses on the continuous and constant improvement according to GSTC Standard (Global Sustainable Tourism Council).

Shared sustainability in tourism

ERGA S.R.L. guests and partners are aware of the importance of sustainable tourism.
We are committed to disclose our policies on all internal and external communication media, both on and offline, so that all guests and partners may become aware of it.
We analyse both satisfaction feedback from our customers and how they perceive our efforts of managing our services sustainably.

ERGA S.R.L.’s staff and sustainability

Sustainable tourism is a true value that is why we constantly need and receive support by our staff. Therefore, we have assembled a team of people actively involved in specific training programs in order to achieve our goals:

  • Our staff’s training is properly regular and documented;
  • Our whole focus is the professional training of the staff and of environmental sustainability;
  • We choose our staff ethically and in accordance with human rights, ensuring equal opportunities to everybody and encouraging professional growth..


In the interest of sustainable tourism, we have created and improved our communication in information and marketing services. All we do is more transparency thanks to images, voice and true data information, that underpin our daily job.

ERGA S.R.L. Sustainability

Italy is a special country in terms of culture and nature, and we are aware of this.
That is why in every place where our services are provided, we feel responsible to convey to our guests the local culture and lifestyles.
With this attitude, we are sure to teach our guests the best way to enjoy them:

  • We provide all the necessary information about cultural and natural tours;
  • Cultural excursions service is undertaken by qualified tourist guide;
  • We are committed to teach rules and behaviours to our guests in order to guarantee a sustainable tour management.

Environmental work program!

We rely, wherever possible, on ISO 14001 certified service providers. Anyway, we set the proper requirements needed for the correct environmental management.
We are sensitive to the environmental consequences of our guests’ vehicles emissions, as well as for vehicles we rent. We also promote electric cars and electric bikes.


Our first commitment is to guide guests in terms of waste management during transfers or guided tours.
The same is true for our partners and staff.

Social responsibility

We provide employment opportunities, including leadership roles, without any discrimination with regard to gender, ethnicity, religion, disability or other factors.

We are against every kind of exploitation and mobbing, whether of commercial, sexual or other variety, with particular respect to children, teenagers, women, minorities and other vulnerable groups.

Useful links
Ministero dell'ambiente

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